Youth gardens: Create garden spaces appropriate for each center to increase
PA, vegetable consumption, and agricultural literacy (Benedum). Create 8 new
edible gardens at child care centers.
Partners and funding: SNAP, GKVF, WVU Ext.
Natural Learning Environment (NLE): Create 3 new NLE at child care centers which must be open to the community increasing access to more greenspace and outdoor play areas (GKVF). Advocate for more recess time in NLE, NLE/garden curriculum.
Partners and funding: GKVF, Three Trees, Try This, WV Nursery and Landscaping Association
KEY 2 a Healthy Start: Implement PCON training to at least 30 child care
centers annually (Benedum). Use NAP SACC Quality Improvement (QI) tool in 30 centers annually as policy intervention to affect change in nutrition and PA practices and written policies. (Benedum). Improve child care center policies
regarding outdoor play to increase time outside and intensity of physical
activity (GKVF).
Partners and funding: OCN, BPH, ECAC, WVU Ext, Benedum, SNAP
Preventing Childhood Obesity Network (PCON): Create a statewide peer
learning network of existing organizations aimed at preventing childhood
obesity within ECE system (Benedum). PCON to incorporate obesity prevention into QRIS.
Partners and funding: OCN, BPH, ECAC, Wvu Ext, Benedum, SNAP, ECE
CHOICES: Collaborate with CHOICES project to determine return of investments and cost effectiveness of KEY 2 a Healthy Start into tiered
reimbursement standards (BPH).
Partners and Funding: Harvard SPH/BPH, ECE, Center for Budget and Policy
Dr. Jeffrey
Fed Up Initiative: Provide Fed Up documentary and education kit to every school in WV. Design and implement a student led wellness intervention in 10 middle/high schools (BPH).
Funding and partners: Healthy Kids Inc, SNAP, OCN, BPH
School Wellness: Assist 3 new school sites and 5 current sites with technical assistance, capacity building, and implementation of goals based on self-assessment. Compile PSE changes. Publish school wellness resource guide highlighting school wellness champions (SNAP).
Funding and partners: SNAP, OCN, BPH
WVDE Policy 2510: Assist with implementation of 30 min physical activity
each day in Kanawha Co. schools through Focused Fitness.
Youth gardens: Create and support community gardens
Funding and partners: Try This, SNAP, WVU Ext.
King Center Outdoor Classroom: Build outdoor classroom at King Center
to be model for other sites in WV. Promote as a shared use site.
Funding and Partners: Charleston Parks and Rec., GKVF, Capitol
Conservation District
Try This West Virginia: KEYS Staff will present at breakout sessions during conference, assist with at least 5 mini-grant recipients on 5 steps of KEYS Toolkit, will provide consultation services for other child care and natural
playgrounds, and will provide content for Try This web pages – playground and parks, healthy celebrations, KEYS Community Toolkit.
Healthy Kids and Families Coalition is lead.