Founded in 2009 by Dr. Jamie Jeffrey, MD, FAAp, KEYS 4 HealthyKids is a grant-funded non-profit on a mission to make the healthy choice the easy choice for kids, families, and communities across the state of West Virginia.
2009 - 2010
KEYS 4 HealthyKids Established
KEYS 4 HealthyKids (KEYS) was established by a 4-year grant through Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities, the national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). KEYS was selected as one of 49 communities across the nation as part of RWJF’s mission to reverse childhood obesity. The Kanawha Coalition for Community Health Improvement (KCCHI) and CAMC Institute were lead partners to begin work with youth and community residents from Charleston’s East End and West Side. The KEYS team was led by Jamie Jeffrey MD of HealthyKids and Judy Crabtree of KCCHI.
KEYS adopted the Social – Ecological Model (SEM) for its work. SEM is a theory-based framework for understanding the multi-faceted and interactive effects of personal and environmental factors that determine health behaviors.
KEYS conducted community assessments relating to healthy food and physical activity access on Charleston’s East End and West Side. The assessments were comprehensive and included community focus groups, youth focus groups, paper surveys, and geo-coding of physical activity and healthy food retail. The result of this effort established four key strategies:
The 4 (KEYS) are:
• Knowledge,
• Eating Healthy
• Youth Being Active
• Safety and Empowerment representing the policy team.
KEYS adopted the Social – Ecological Model (SEM) for its work. SEM is a theory-based framework for understanding the multi-faceted and interactive effects of personal and environmental factors that determine health behaviors.
KEYS conducted community assessments relating to healthy food and physical activity access on Charleston’s East End and West Side. The assessments were comprehensive and included community focus groups, youth focus groups, paper surveys, and geo-coding of physical activity and healthy food retail. The result of this effort established four key strategies:
The 4 (KEYS) are:
• Knowledge,
• Eating Healthy
• Youth Being Active
• Safety and Empowerment representing the policy team.
2009 - 2010
2011 - 2013
Expanding Community Health Through Policies, Parks, and Partnerships
Our main initiatives were nutrition and physical activity policies in childcare centers, access to healthy food through school and community gardens, a garden support network and a tool lending library. KEYS increased physical activity opportunities by refurbishing local parks and establishing new pocket parks. Advocacy initiatives included development of a youth council, adoption of health policies in the City of Charleston’s Comprehensive Plan, and inclusion of 30 minutes of physical activity in the WV Board of Education’s policies.
Through additional support from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, the KEYS 4 HealthyKids Toolkit: A guide for creating a healthy community was developed. KEYS utilized the toolkit to facilitate policy and environmental improvements with champion sites throughout Kanawha County. The following year, KEYS scaled its work to the 9 counties contiguous to Kanawha County. Twenty-one communities participated in technical assistance webinars, 11 applied to be a regional KEYS community, and 8 communities were accepted. Examples of outcomes of that work included walking trails, school and community parks and gardens, and natural learning playgrounds.
Through additional support from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, the KEYS 4 HealthyKids Toolkit: A guide for creating a healthy community was developed. KEYS utilized the toolkit to facilitate policy and environmental improvements with champion sites throughout Kanawha County. The following year, KEYS scaled its work to the 9 counties contiguous to Kanawha County. Twenty-one communities participated in technical assistance webinars, 11 applied to be a regional KEYS community, and 8 communities were accepted. Examples of outcomes of that work included walking trails, school and community parks and gardens, and natural learning playgrounds.
2011 - 2013
Partnered with Try This WV
This year was a transition year with the end of the Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities grant funding. KEYS continued work in the early childhood sector and with gardening initiatives. KEYS partnered with Try This WV to continue creating healthy communities.
2015 and Beyond
The Future
Check out our initiatives tab!
2015 and Beyond